12 June:
Single winner Liam O'Reilly, Runner up Dale Baker
16/04/19 League "finished",
unsure really when the league finished, as rules seem to be made up as
it goes along. i.e. the rule when all games are to be played by are now
very vague, "to be played before any competitions finals are played".
(this is what I called vaugue.), I dont think any other league is
played this way. This rule has always been "all games are to be played
before the last game of the season!" (simple)
17/03/19 Kevin Bowen was stopped
from being the Results secretary and Dennis has now taken over this
Reason: He
was voted off by the "Committee"... obviously a first time for
everything, and something
I would have thought had to be via EGM or AGM.
Dennis Cummings
wrote: The
reason being, the committee met on a couple of occasions regarding the
previous secretaries comments to team captains. Something similar was
also addressed at the beginning
of the season. So it was voted that the results sec is removed and
replaced, which we are now in the process of completing. The current
committee is: Chairman- Dennis Cummings (corkscrews) Secretary- Gemma
Goode (Corkscrews) Treasurer-Simon Willingham (TSSC) Player Rep- Kevin
Rae ( Hoot & Muff) and Player Rep - Martin Hawes ( just another
pool team). Positions that are vacant: Results and Fixtures Secretary.
Until further notice I shall be covering fixtures and results
20/11/18 Constitution rules
updated, committee members added, added link to "World Rules", the
rules we now play.
28/10/18 Noticed that the www.fpool.co.uk has ceased.
26/09/18 The Flying Boat have moved to the Beach road
caravan park, fixtures amended
20/09/18 Amended fixtures, Grosvenor are out of the League
(BYE) Easier to read.
13/09/18 Fixtures published, click on the left. (hi-lighted
for Snooker 2, hopefully a better version available soon, uncoded)
Big changes, things will
not be run the same, hopefully better.
www.fpool.co.uk will cease from
22nd October 2018, it will be available
to keep the history and relavant information.
The new
committee has made no provision will be made to keep any of it.
AGM Held Sunday 9th Sept. 2018. and new committee voted
in. NEW LEAGUE starts Sunday 24th Sept. 2018. Basic rules and
consitution need to be amended, unsure where this will be, will update
here when available.
Kevin Bowen, then Dennis
Cummings. see news above.