Feloxstowe Pool 2005-6

Yep, Its the Felixstowe Pool League!

 Felixstowe Pool League

I TOLD you ONCE!!! Its the Felixstowe Pool League
Felixstowe is on the coast in Suffolk..... (near Ipswich)

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Its NOT really me!!!  :) Who is this cueing??
Click here to get a more pleasing 'FLASH' menu!! (May need to download 'Flash') or Click here to return to NORMAL Menu. Should I make this the default? Let me know.

If you want league results via NEW email address, then email or  ) Mick Florey.

Because I get a lot of junk mail, please put "FAO MICK" in the subject box. This will guarantee it getting through! I use POPfile to filter my email. Its good and FREE!

Having problems printing? Try: 1. Right click on the league table itself and select 'print'. OR: Move mouse over the 'League Table', then 'right click' the mouse and select 'open link in new window', then print it!

LATEST NEWS (contact email address's, below)

Team score sheet (best to 'right click and 'save target as' ) in Excel format (Zipped from menu). If there are any problems with the fixtures.... any mistakes with dates/ clashes, let me know ASAP.

I aint doing nuffin..... but SPIN COMMITTEE  
Results secretary: Mick Florey
 OK daily
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Carol Florey
Chairman: Marcel Keeble.
Competitions: Vacant. NA NA
Ladies Rep: Vacant NA  NA

ICQ on the Internet is good, like MSN messenger. You would NEVER find me using 'messenger', I don't like how Microsoft INSIST on this software put on EVERY version of Windows. If you DON'T know about ICQ, then go here

At this VERY moment, I am

ICQ will allow you to see friends when they are on the Internet, files DIRECT, chat to each other and much more. (ITS ALL FREE). My ICQ number is 3292988. (check when I am on the 'NET'!! you WILL need my permission, so email me or request it!)

NEWs 2004-2005 (last seasons news)

NEW's 2003 -2004