Mick and Carol's Explore Photos.

Around 2,400 photos taken....

DEC 2008: NOTE: there are video clips uploaded to "you-tube" and shown like (click it!): video

These are a summary of the photos, where an attempt at reducing the photos!!!

Day 1-6 Lima - Cusco - Machu Picchu (with one video) with Joanna

Day 7 - 9 Amazon Jungle with Joanna

Day 10 - 11 Lima, Guayaguil

Day 12 - 19 Galapagos Islands 7 day boat trip with a guide called: George (with videos)

Day 20 & 21 Quito with Puablo

Following map shows travel from London to Miami, then Lima. (Galapagos is also ringed!)

Galapagos islands shown, top left:

The following is of Machu Picchu, you dont quite get the change of altitude!!

Machu Picchu, showing the route of the bus to get to the top!!

Amazon locations, the INN is where we stayed: